
“There is an old Sanskrit word, Lila (Leela), which means play. Richer than our word, it means divine play, the play of creation and destruction and re-creation, the folding and unfolding of the cosmos.”

Brands have the opportunity to create meaning and enrich lives, far beyond their primary product offering. But how can they cut through the infinite discourse to create impact? They must exist holistically, from website to on-site. Too many contain unrealized potential – trapped value which is held in empty processes and expressions that don’t resonate with their core values.

We ask brands questions that nobody has asked them before. We are happy to travel on tangents and to read between the lines. We want to see you differently, because we want you to see yourself differently. When we work with brands like Apple, The Row and Saint Laurent we dream, we play, and then we strategize. We help to hone brands into platforms – arenas for exploration, expression, and engagement. Our goal is to help you make powerful and meaningful cultural shifts. We are here to create value that lasts years, not seasons.

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